Saturday, January 22, 2005

More content needed

I'm determined to keep this blog alive, come hell or truck breakdown. But I can't think of anything to write. Help, please. The only Jerome topics I can think of are:

When Jerome once got his willy out in the Green Dragon (ahem), the ex-landlady, who was given a broomstick as a leaving present, looked up briefly from her game of cards, casually said, "It isn't very big, is it, Jerome" and carried on playing.

The fact that Jerome is always right and there is no point in arguing. I don't say this in any begrudging way. If you get into an argument with him about most things, particularly transport or your emotional state, you generally find that he knows the answers much better than you do. So don't.

The saga of the knees. Related to the giraffe picture posted below.

If Jerome stopped wearing O'Neill clothing, would the company go bust?

South Africa beckons this summer.

Does he ever answer his phone?

The amazing ability to create his own myth and believe it.

He should really be called Jerome "Niagara Falls" Francis. When I used to stay at the lads' house in Oxford, my room was next to the bathroom. I will say no more.

Jerome's clothes.... a topic I have briefly touched on in this blog, but there is so much more to say.

The stag night story, always a good one for blagging free journeys on trains.

The cases of CD singles

The worship of the Hutchence

Top Trumps


Cider with Ice. Why?




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