Monday, May 29, 2006

Play on words

I spent the weekend with Jerome, so I have lots of new material for his blog. He got very, very, very drunk at G and P's party, and was chatting to a group of bonkers neighbours. They were playing with a mobile phone. We could see into the Mind of Jerome. It was surreal and frightening. My brother fell asleep under his hat to escape.

"I'm very impatient," said one friend to Jerome, clicking through the menus at breakneck speed.
"Blimey, love, you're the most impatient person I've ever met," slurred Jerome. "Is your husband's name Thomas Ollerance?"
The conversation continued without this gem getting the recognition it deserves. I think Jerome deserves some credit for coming up with this after drinking vast amounts of lager and lime and some very large vodka and cokes.


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