Rugby confusion
A while ago, I found myself discussing Wales's recent triumph in the rugby with Jerome. According to Jerome, the England team was the best in the tournament. This puzzled me. After all, England came 4th out of 6, which is better than last but not much. Jeorme's reply to this unexpected piece of sporting knowledge didn't enlighten me any more. Apparently, the England team did very well considering that most of the players are very young and some of our best players like Wilkinson and, er, others, were injured.
I prefer to keep it simple. Wales were the best team because they won. They scored more points than the opposition in all the matches.
I suspect that shame at being beaten by the singing coalminers/the effeminate garlicky people from across the Channel/the mean alcoholics from the cold north is warping his judgement.
Marv you are full of shite when it comes to rugby
It is true, I know nothing and I don't understand the rules.
Jerome for the sake of the recoerd knows nowt about rugby cos he lost 50 squidders to me on the rugby cos I said Wales would win Gaffauw Gafauw. However he is right. England are the best side we have strenght and depth which the (and i think they're great)taffys lack. We NEED to try out new players and have the strength and maturity to give people a chance in the safe knowledge that we are WORLD champions and will be for a couple of years yet.
They can stick their southern hemisphere up their bottoms -the lions are on their way.
I have been drinking.
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