Some Jerome facts - or are they?
Jerome was born in Wantage.
Jerome has size 13 feet.
Jerome has made a list of all his ex-girlfriends, with comments.
Jerome likes the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Jerome's heroes include Dennis Rodman and Michael Hutchence.
Jerome never wears pants
Jerome always wins at Monopoly
Jerome thinks Oxfordshire is full of short girls.
Jerome likes to date foreign women.
Jerome is not a Fred Astaire fan.
Jerome has broken his ribs and his knees.
Jerome once said, "We're competing for second place" when ten pin bowling.
Jerome wanted to move to Birmingham even more when he walked back from the centre of town, passing two pizza places selling pizza for the bargain price of £3 and the still more bargain price of £2.
Jerome's middle name is Douglas. For a while he used that instead of Jerome.
St Jerome is the patron saint of translators and he pulled a thorn from a lion's paw.
Jerome likes to dance to "Relight my Fire", but it isn't the same without Rence.
Jerome likes to beat people at sport and games. He feels most triumphant when he beats Russ, but anyone will do.
Jerome feels most ashamed to lose to Marv, Rence, or Dan.
Jerome is supernaturally lucky and highly skilful.
Jerome likes to wear O'Neill clothes.
Jerome does not enjoy playing Word Association.
Jerome once owned a pair of trainers that looked like date boxes.
Jerome's nickname at junior school was "Punk".
Jerome once cheated at Paper, Stone, Scissors, winning lots of beer in a pub quiz.
Watch this space for more Jerome facts.