Sunday, December 11, 2005

A word of thanks to Jerome.

He's a resilient kind of chap. But in c.1996, Jerome decided he was going to buy some leather trousers and Clarence and I really thought he shouldn't. We had an anxious discussion - should we try and persuade him not to? I can't remember whether we dared to broach the subject or not. But in the end he didn't. Perhaps he spent all the money on the fruities instead.

Jerome, thank you for not buying the leather trousers.

Having said that, the other weekend at our reading group weekend, Jerome got out his box of funny hats and the Liberty's cotton flowery skirt that my Grannie hemmed for me (at about the same time as the leather trousers idea came into his mind) fell out of the bag. I'm too fat to wear it now, anyway.

Jerome wore it one year at the Hobbiton Village Fete.


At 9:41 pm, Blogger dan said...

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At 9:43 pm, Blogger dan said...

I was far less subtle about the leather trousers, merely advising him that he would "look a total twat". To which he replied, "yea, but have you seen how fit birds look in them".

Tricky one that, best left to a shrink I think.

As to the skirt / hat phase - well, least said soonest forgotten. One thing I would say however is that if you are too fat to where that skirt (which I do not for a second believe) then I suspect it may be a little snug on old snake hips francis.


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