Sunday, April 24, 2005

Cupid is not smiling on Jerome at the moment.

Evil his heart, but honey-sweet his tongue,
No truth in him, the rogue. He is cruel in his play.
Small are his hands, yet his arrows fly far as death.
Tiny his shaft, but it carries heaven-high.
Touch not his treacherous gifts, they are dipped in fire.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

The lions roar

England are the best side we have strenght and depth which the (and i think they're great)taffys lack. We NEED to try out new players and have the strength and maturity to give people a chance in the safe knowledge that we are WORLD champions and will be for a couple of years yet.

We still lost, though.

I hope the next Rugby World Cup does not take place on my birthday.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Keith's party

Jerome attended Keith's birthday party last weekend, a very fine affair overflowing with booze, great food, and music.

A fine time was had by all.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

More about the rugby

Are you saying that although we weren't the best team this time round, because we have "strength in depth" we are likely to win the next few World rugby tournament things? If I were a betting woman, which I am not, I would bet against our winning the majority of World Cups in the next five years becasue:

1 We haven't had much success before.
2 We are England and our job is to nearly win and be genteel about it.

I think this proves Jerome's point that I know nothing about rugby.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Rugby confusion

A while ago, I found myself discussing Wales's recent triumph in the rugby with Jerome. According to Jerome, the England team was the best in the tournament. This puzzled me. After all, England came 4th out of 6, which is better than last but not much. Jeorme's reply to this unexpected piece of sporting knowledge didn't enlighten me any more. Apparently, the England team did very well considering that most of the players are very young and some of our best players like Wilkinson and, er, others, were injured.

I prefer to keep it simple. Wales were the best team because they won. They scored more points than the opposition in all the matches.

I suspect that shame at being beaten by the singing coalminers/the effeminate garlicky people from across the Channel/the mean alcoholics from the cold north is warping his judgement.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

One glorious year

Eagle-eyed readers, or those with the useful lever at the backs of your heads will have spotted that the august blog of the mighty Jerome is approaching its first anniversary. I started the blog on 31 May 2004. We have been blogging about him (not to him) for almost one year. I feel this calls for a celebration. Perhaps we could email him and ask for some authentic Jerome content.

How should we celebrate? Any ideas, anyone?

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Jerome is Austin Powers with a Slightly smaller Mojo

That bit in Austin Powers where they defrost him and he goes for a wee. Thats Jerome That is.

Jerome is also an unlikely lothario. The ladies love the man, even though he had to have it explained to him that Clitoris is not in fact a small Greek fishing village.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Thank you very much for inviting me to your party. I would be delighted to come.

is not what Jerome said when PJF invited him to a party.

This is what Jerome said:

Right on Mutha Fucka. Do you think that SHANDY Boy Russ will be allowed to come shall we start a betting circle. I heard that he will only be allowed at once a year due to the Kebab van in Stroud voting him customer of the year (Caroline was not impressed as the baby will have a lot to live up to.). Also Ben Sherman have stopped making crap shirts and he will not have a top to wear. I do not know you tell me !!!!!

Is this a yes? Discuss.